Asian Ambassador’s Luncheon with as Chief Guest the President of the Dutch Senate

![2 H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Belal, H.E. Ms Ngo Thi Hoa, H.E. Ms Lyndal Walker[1] 2 H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Belal, H.E. Ms Ngo Thi Hoa, H.E. Ms Lyndal Walker[1]](

Her Excellency, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan H.E. Ms Iffat Imran Gardezi hosted an Asian Ambassador’s Luncheon, with as Chief Guest the President of the Dutch Senate, H.E. Ms Ankie Broekers-Knol on October 26th, to facilitate questions on the functioning of the Senate and Dutch organs of state and of course on the new cabinet which was received by the King that very morning.
H.E. Dr. M. Homayoon Azizi, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Belal, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, H.E. Mr Ken Wu Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, H.E. Mr Venu Rajamony Ambassador of the Republic of India, H.E. Mr I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Dr. Alireza Jahangiri Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E. Mr Hiroshi Inomata Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr Ahmad Nazri Bin Yusof Ambassador of Malaysia, H.E. Ms Lyndal Walker Ambassador of New Zealand, H.E. Mr Jaime Victor Badillo Ledda Ambassador of Philippines H.E. Mr A. M. J. Sadiq Ambassador of Sri Lanka, H.E. Ms Ngo Thi Hoa Ambassador of Vietnam, were warmly greeted by their charming hostess H.E. Ms Iffat Imran Gardezi in the opulent surroundings of Pakistan house.
Right from the start, amidst a background of lush carpets and majestic chandeliers, the questions abounded in an open and candid atmosphere of curiosity and interest, with H.E. Ms Ankie Broekers-Knol answering tirelessly with great knowledge and straightforwardness and a warm dash of good humour.
By the end of the informal drinks the tone was set, and once seated in the jewel of a dining room with its intricate wood panelling giving out onto the beautiful gardens, the conversation did not lull for a minute with the professional staff of the residence discreetly serving a delightful meal consisting of a wide variety of delicious, fragrant Pakistani dishes.
Questions covered a large array of topics to do with the new cabinet, the formation process, the functions and workings of the various organs of state, the priorities ahead and the challenges. A lot of ground was covered.
The Ambassadors thanked H.E. Ms Ankie Broekers-Knol for the overview and “ having had the chance to ask everything they wanted to ask” and of course Ambassador H.E. Ms Iffat Imran Gardezi for having organised a relaxed and interactive session with such delicious food.
- Previous Ambassador Dr. Vjosa Dobruna celebrates 10th Anniversary Kosovo at Diplomat Club Wassenaar
- Next King’s Commissioner, Mr. Jaap Smit presents the Province of Zuid-Holland to nine new Ambassadors
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